Friday, November 16, 2012

The iPod Mini The Could

The Infamous and Survivor iPod.
Yesterday, I decided to go to Starbucks to grade papers for my English 111 class.

I wanted to take some music so I could block out all the conversations I inevitably listen to when in a large crowd of people engaged in relationship and community. I really love going to Starbucks or a coffee shop for this reason. However, at this particular moment, I needed peace and music to grade.

So I went on a search for E's iPod mini for some help. But I couldn't find it in his room. I couldn't find it in his travel bag. I couldn't find it downstairs lying in wait.

Then I remembered. Yes, E had taken his iPod outside during playtime on Tuesday. It was Thursday. It rained all night Wednesday night.

As I walked outside, I knew what I would find. Sure enough, in the grass underneath his favorite climbing tree was the iPod. It was covered in water, not submerged, but definitely wet.

I scooped it up and followed a tried and true method to save electronics: submerge them in rice. I'm actually not sure if this is the best way to save them, but I've heard it from a friend or two. Then I left it, but only for a few hours.

I figured E would learn his lesson about taking care of his nice things. I figured he'd have to save up to buy a new iPod for himself. But, without a doubt, it still works. The ear buds and iPod are completely fine.

48-hours outside. A night-long rainstorm. It's a-ok! If you were thinking about buying an iPod mini, it may be a good investment, especially if you tend to leave things in unsafe places.

Have a great weekend everybody.

For all your engaged girls out there, chickens with bowties is the new rage (Is this real life?).

Trying to decide between the three of these recipes for what to make for Thanksgiving morning...poll?
Pull-Apart Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Bread with Buttered Rum Glaze
Pumpkin Poppers
Pumpkin & Cream Bread

Fun Christmas Craft Ideas - Holiday Light Boxes and Tablescapes

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