Thursday, November 8, 2012

Life in the Mundane - Oblivious Moments

Today, I went to the laundromat for the first time in my whole life. I went, not because our washer and dryer are broken, but because they are too small.

A few months ago, E had his second stomach virus ever and threw up on his comforter. I spot cleaned it, I promise. But I also believed it needed a good dousing and deep cleaning. So like any good mother, I took it off his bed and shoved it into the deep recesses of his little-boy room, where it's remained until today.

Don't worry, E has not been suffering through the cold, 63 degree in the house, evenings for two reasons.
1. He sweats like none other when he sleeps.
2. I threw a fleece blanket on his bed, which has been enough.

But, my in-laws are coming for the weekend, and I couldn't expect them to survive on a sheet and fleece throw, even though we do have two fleece throws. I couldn't bring myself to not wash the comforter.

So, I headed out to the laundromat today. And like any modern techno-girl (am I really one of those?), I looked up reviews online to find a laundromat on the map and also to know which one was the best.

I decided on Peachy Kleen on Monroe because it's close to our place and had really great reviews. And truly, it was clean and I felt quite safe, even though I was the only person in the place almost the whole time. I don't think there was anyone working except the mailman who dropped some letters off.

But here's the kicker. For all the things I've done in life, including getting a Master's Degree, birthing a child, running a half-marathon, writing an 80-page thesis, learning show choir dances, I couldn't figure out how to use the washing machine or the dryer.
I hate to admit it, but some of their machines didn't have coin slots, and I had no clue what to do in order to pay. Apparently, laundromats have upgraded to cards that you can pre-pay on for washes and drying cycles. However, I was unaware and didn't realize this situation until I was leaving.

So I walked in, wandered around, trying to figure out which was the washer and which was the dryer on the large walls and machines lined up around the building. And of course, I did figure it out, but I'm sure if anyone else had been there, they'd have thought I was lost.

It's in the mundane where people's stupidity and ignorance really shows. It's almost as if for the epic moments in life, we arise to the occasion and follow through when least expected. But in the day-to-day, we, or I, just cannot get it together. Not only did I not know how to use the machines, but I forgot to bring enough quarters to pay for a full load. Good thing I had some of E's money with me, which I did pay back later. It's a relief kids save and carry around money in change.

I'll be back. Tyler and my comforter needs some help as well. The process will be much smoother next time.

For some reason today, I'm reliving the day Tyler asked me to marry him. And our subsequent video-making project. I cannot believe the short length of my hair.

Dec. 31, 2010 - Philadelphia, PA
Avett Brothers + Neutral Milk Hotel = YES, PLEASE!

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