Thursday, November 15, 2012


A Cheese Bouquet
Dill Havarti is the reason I cannot go vegan.

I love it on crackers, on melba toast, melted, rolled up in a wrap, on a sandwich, baked, fried...ok, not fried. But I seriously enjoy Dill Havarti and all cheese for that matter.

I'm definitely a traditional "wine and cheese" girl, but it doesn't stop there. No, I can plow through a block, or maybe half a block, of cheese with crackers for lunch. Just now, I am enjoying some leftover cheese with toast and crackers for lunch. I'm going to have to throw together a salad and fruit to redeem myself.

After E had to go non-dairy because of lactose issues, I lost my taste for milk. But, I have never lost my love for cheese. I do not know why, but it is one of the few things I actually crave.

I will always have cheese on a veggie burger.

I am pacified by my mom's macaroni and cheese. It's my favorite "comfort food." It's good for my thighs I don't live with her anymore.

Cheese is a perfect part of almost any meal. If you can't put it on top of something, at least have a few bite-sized pieces to the side.

Cheese must be real. I don't do pre-sliced cheese. I don't really do Velveeta anymore, though if someone else cooks it, I will eat it.

If you offer me cheese, I will probably take you up on it.

I always get cheese samples when we go to Harris Teeter. The other day, I told E to go get my sample for me. He came back sad that the box was empty, but offered me a piece of orange instead. I declined. It just wasn't the same as a good piece of cheese.

I do not discriminate in cheese type. I like moldy cheese as well as non-moldy, as long as the mold is supposed to be there. I like holes in my cheese as well as non-holy cheese. I like soft and hard cheeses, including parmesan and brie.

I mourn the fact I will not be a vegan, but only briefly, because I have to stop and go eat some cheese.

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