Sunday, September 23, 2012

Soil Milk

A Typical Conversation:

Me: (In a constipated voice) Awwwwww....look at that baby. Sooo cute. Awwww.

Tyler: Yeah. He really is cute.

Me: I need a baby.

Tyler: (silence)

Me: Ok. I need a baby someday. Definitely after my half marathon. Only a month to wait.

Tyler: (pause)...yeah. Some day.

I've got the itch. Every baby I see is adorable, even if they were just born and look more alien than human. I mean, E is eight and there is barely any baby left in him. Only when he sleeps does he look reminiscent of his baby self.

Generally, I show Tyler a picture of a cute baby at least once a day. Maybe more, depending on how many friends post pictures of their kids on Facebook (so keep posting them guys. Maybe I can wear him down).

The other night in the car I got on the baby topic for probably the third time this week. Then, to make my argument even more sound, I starting bringing up all the cute things E used to do when he was small, like call soy milk "soil milk" and take a sip of his drink and smack his lips and say, "ahhh."

I don't think Tyler was convinced, though he smirked.

I know Tyler and I are young. I know we've only been married a year and 2 months. However, babies are just so fluffy and attractive, and everyone is pregnant these days. I mean, if you can't beat them...and we definitely can't beat all the pregnant women around. So we may as well join them.

This is my perspective at least. Tyler does want kids, but I will just have to wait until we are both ready. Until then, I'll keep sighing and drooling over everyone else's babies. Who can help it? I can't. They're just such rolly pollies.

So young.

Click here for a cute baby slideshow.

And one more cute one of E. I can't resist.

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