Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Beginnings

It's almost officially Fall (Eeeee!!!) and while Spring is typically considered the season of new beginnings, I'd like to nominate Fall to replace Spring. The beginning of the school year just makes everything feel new.

Last night I found myself making a new meal I found on Pinterest, Spinach-Artichoke Baked Pasta, to go over to our friends' new home for the beginning of our new small group. It was pretty delicious and less than $10 to make.

Spinach-Artichoke Baked Pasta
I met some new people (no pic - I didn't want to be the creepy girl taking pictures of the new guys) and really enjoyed getting to know some people from our church I hadn't interacted with before.

We are studying a new book, How People Change by Paul Tripp.

The weather was gorgeous for the cookout. Blue sky, nice breeze, no clouds. I'm enjoying the forecast for the rest of the week as well. Usually we're still in the 80's around here. Saturday is looking like the perfect day for a football game!

My hair is finally long enough to sport a new style. Hallelujah! I got a braid out of it last night. It's hard to see because my hair is so dark and we have bad lighting in our house, but I'm pretty pumped to make it this far.
Long enough for a braid!

Everything feels refreshed, crisp, and clean.

Here's a song for your new season.

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